Tuesday, March 8, 2011

G20 Protests in Toronto

Stores near King Station apply wooden boards to prevent vandalism from protests

The Toronto summit was the target of widespread protesting which occurred in Downtown Toronto during the week of the summit. The summit was peaceful but  few people got out of hand and began destroying properties and starting fires. This video shows how police went completely overboard with the brutality  on the people. A few people stated their stories of what happened to them at the summit on this program. Many were badly beaten and held in custody. I was disgusted watching this video when I saw what they did to a disable man. Police was set on fire and vehicles of media corporations were damaged. Nearby hospitals, shopping centres, and hotels were put in a lockdown mode while public transit services were diverted from Downtown to other locations. Individuals arrested during the protests condemned the treatment they received from police.

Demonstrators holding signs with slogans against the G-20

Security fencing erected along the middle of Wellington Street

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