Sunday, April 3, 2011

Japan nuclear crisis

Workers at a battered nuclear power plant in northeast Japan tried Sunday to stop radioactive water from pouring into the Pacific Ocean, while government officials admitted it will be months before the nuclear crisis is under control. Radioactive iodine has been detected in the ocean near the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant, and workers have located a 20-centimetre crack in a maintenance pit that they believe is the source. While radioactive water dissipates quickly in the ocean it could be dangerous to workers at the plant. Radiation began leaking from the facility after a tsunami destroyed parts of Japan's northeastern coast on March 11, killing what is projected to be 25,000 people and halting key cooling systems that kept it from overheating. Every day brings new issues at the plant, where workers have continually been forced to retreat because of high radiation levels.


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